Phạm Ngọc Bình1,, Nguyễn Sơn Nam1, Chu Tiến Cường2
1 108 Military Central Hospital
2 Vietnamese People's Army Department Military Medical

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Objectives: Evaluation of the actual situation of stockpiling some battle facilities and disease prevention at some strategic and campaign-line military hospitals, 2016. Methods: Direct interviews with managers using pre-designed questionnaires combined with direct observation of drugs in stock at the hospital; Select 8 military medical hospitals (4 campaign hospitals, 4 strategic hospitals, strategic areas); Each hospital chooses 2 pharmacy managers, a total of 16 staff. Result: Base K reserve: there are 4 hospitals with reserve; hospital base reserve: all 8 hospitals have reserves; epidemic prevention base: 2/8 hospitals have reserves. All facilities (K, BV) that have been established in hospitals are open, with catalogs and packaging available. Particularly, the epidemic prevention and control facilities at the two hospitals that have been prepackaged are those provided from the top down. All 8 hospitals have the ability to rotate the Y, K, BV radix and disease prevention radix. There are 2 hospitals capable of rotating and changing terms with a large number of casualties; the remaining hospitals are capable of rotating a certain number of battle facilities and disease prevention. Conclusion: The number of military medical facilities in reserve at 8 hospitals is in line with the units' assigned task targets. All BV and K facilities stocked at hospitals are open and have a list and ready-made packaging (not pre-packaged). All 8 hospitals have the ability to rotate the Y, K, BV radix and disease prevention radix.

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