Nguyễn Xuân Phúc1,, Phạm Quang Vinh1
1 Vietnam Military Medical University

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Objectives: To evaluate the results of kidney stone treatment by upstream endoscopy with soft tubes using holmium laser energy at E hospital. Subjects and methods: The study used a cross-sectional descriptive design combining retrospective and prospective 70 kidney stones patients with indications for treatment by retrograde endoscopic lithotripsy using flexible tubes at the Nephrology Department. - Urology, Hospital E during the period from January 2020 to May 2021. Results: 90% of patients were cleared of stones, 4.3% of patients had debris < 5mm, 2.9% of patients had debris > 5mm. 2.9% of patients still have stones. Complications encountered were postoperative fever (2.8%), pain caused by stone fragments entering the ureter (1.4%), urinary infection (1.4%). The average number of days for ureteral drainage was 22.97±6.75 days, maximum 35 days, at least 4 days. The average postoperative hospital stay was 5.2 ± 3.7 days, the shortest was 2 days, the longest was 32 days. The average hospital stay was 9.97 ± 6.02 days, the shortest was 3 days, the longest is 45 days. 90% of patients have good treatment results. 4.3% of patients had good results, and 5.7% of patients had average results. Conclusion: Kidney stone treatment by upstream endoscopy with soft tubes using holmium laser energy is a safe and effective method of treating kidney stones. This also helps surgeons and patients have more options in treatment to achieve high efficiency and reduce complications.

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