Nguyễn Thị Việt Hà1, Phạm Văn Minh2,
1 Hanoi Rehabilitation Hospital
2 Rehabilitation Department, Hanoi Medical University

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Stroke is a leading cause of death and sequelae for the elderly. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of neurological rehabilitation for patients with ischemic stroke at Ha Noi rehabilitation hospital in 2020 - 2021. Patients and methodology: controlled intervention study on35 patients, divided in two intervention groups and control group. Results: The level of independence in daily living according to the Barthel scale improved from 9 patients who were completely dependent (47.4%) at admission to 0 patients (0%) in the intervention group and 5 patients (31.3%) at admission decreased to 1 patient (6.3%) in the control group. The proportion of independent patients from 0 patients (0%) at admission increased to 5 independent patients (26.3%) and 2 completely independent patients (10.5%) in the intervention group. intervention and 0 independent patients (0%) at admission increased to 4 patients (25%) in the control group (p<0.05). Mild sequelae after cerebral stroke according to the Rankin scale in the intervention group and the control group were similar (47.4% vs 43.8%), however, at moderate sequelae, the proportion of the study group decreased significantly compared with the control group (5.2% vs 47.4%) (p<0.05). Conclution: There is a positive improvement in the group of patients who are receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy in patients with ischemic stroke. Initialy, no significant adverse effects were noted in the intervention group for hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

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