Sáu Nguyên Lê, Thị Thúy Nguyễn, Văn Hoàng Vũ, Thế Anh Nguyễn

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Objective: Evaluate the risk of thromboembolism in elderly patients undergoing surgery at Huu Nghi Hospital. Subjects and methods: Prospective descriptive study, 100 patients ≥ 60 years old, operated at Huu Nghi hospital. Results: Mean age was 76.25 ± 7.53 years. The proportion of male patients is 81.0%. Chronic diseases before surgery: Hypertension 44.9%, Diabetes 33.4%, lipid metabolism disorders 31.0%, Cancer 31.5%. Average surgery time was 119.03 ± 55.57 minutes. Average anesthesia time was 163.6 ± 45.93 minutes. Digestive surgery accounts for 35.3%. Stomach cancer surgery accounts for 42.25% of cancer diseases. Padua score ≥4 is 38.8%. Risk factors for embolism: advanced cancer in 26.2%, history of thrombosis in 14.9%, heart failure or respiratory failure in 41.9%, and acute infection in 15.8%. Caprini score is 6.03 ± 1.27 (3-15 points), caprini score 5-6 accounts for 49.2%. The overall rate of diagnosis of thromboembolism was 2.4%, in the high-risk group it was 6.2%, and disseminated intravascular coagulation in the high-risk group was 3.45%. Conclusion: The average caprini score in the study was 6.03 ± 1.27 points, caprini scores 5-6 accounting for 49.2%. The rate of Padua score ≥ 4 is 38.8%. The rate of risk factors for thromboembolism: cancer is 26.2%, history of venous thromboembolism is 2.9%, age > 70 is 79.1%, heart failure and respiratory failure is 41.9%, acute infection is 15.8%. The overall rate of diagnosis of thromboembolism was 2.4% and 6.4% in the high-risk group.

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