Văn Thành Đỗ, Quang Toàn Lê, Thị Thùy Dương Ngô, Thị Bình Lê

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Objective: To describe the self-care status of patients with type 2 diabetes receiving outpatient treatment at the National Hospital of Endocrinnology in 2023. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive was designed to interview 350 patients with Type 2 diabetes diagnosis, who were examined and treated at the Medical Examination Department, Deparrtment of Outpatient Service, 24/7 Deparrtment of Outpatient Service at the National Hospital of Endocrinnology from April 2023 to September 2023. Results: 74.5% of patients take care of themself with good nutrition, 79.1% of patients self-performed good excercise, and 5.7% of patients make good self-checked blood sugar. 14.6% of patients take good care of feet by themself, 97.9% of patients have good compliance to medication. Conclusion: Medical staff must advise and guide people with type 2 diabetes, focusing on the content that accounts for a high percentage of patients who cannot take care of themselves, such as knowing how to self-check blood sugar and needing to buy testing equipment themselves. at home or go to the nearest medical station.

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