Thị Lý Trần, Thị Thủy Nguyễn

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Background: Continuing Medical Education (CME) plays an important role for medical staff in updating and improving their professional qualifications, providing timely care and improving people's health. Medical staff work in medical facilities are obliged to attend continuous training courses to meet the professional requirements of their current position. Objective: Describe the current situation and some related factors to continuous training for physicians at National Lung Hospital, in 2021-2022. Methods: Cross-sectional study. This research collected information from 182 physicians in National Lung Hospital through questionnaires. Data were entered by Epidata 3.1 software and analyzed by SPSS 16.0 software. Results: The research results show that, 100% of physicians have participated training courses in the period 2021-2022. Most of physicians given good reviews about the teaching staff, materials, teaching equipment, training content and training quality. Two factors related to physicians' participation in training courses are gender and professional title. Conclusion: The National Lung Hospitals need to diversify types of training courses, increase the application of IT in organization, management, and building mechanisms and policies to encourage physicians to actively participate in medical training activities.

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