Dương Văn Quân1, Phùng Thuỳ Dương1, Ngô Mạnh Hùng2,
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Vietnam-Germany Friendship Hospital

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Object: progression and short-term outcomes of mild traumatic brain injury in adults were studied. Patients and methods: prospective, descriptive study on nonoperative mild traumatic brain injury in adults in Viet-Duc hospital from May 2020 to December 2020. Glasgow outcome scale was used to evaluate treatment outcomes. Results: 306 cases met inclusion criteria. Mean age: 42.07±18; male (77.78%), female (22.22%). Traffic accident was seen in most patients. The mean number of CT scan was 1.93±0.4. There were 6 cases (1.96%) witnessed clinical deterioration. Good recovery with no disability accounted for 87.21% of all patients during the 3-month follow up. Mortality rate was 0.65%. Conclusion: Nonoperative treatment has yielded positive results. Depending on patients's condition and specific circumstances, there will be different indications and treatment options.

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