Đào Hoa Phượng1, Phạm Thị Bích Đào2,3,, Trần Văn Tâm3, Phạm Anh Dũng3
1 Vietnam National Children's Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University
3 Hanoi Medical University Hospital

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Adenoid hypertrophy reduces the flow of air through the nose during pronunciation, causing resonance disorder, children will have difficulty pronouncing the nasal sounds /m/, /n/, /ŋ/, in Vietnamese are /m/,/n/,/ng/,/nh/. Hypertrophic adenoids may cause hyponasality by obliterating the nasopharynx or obstructing the choanae. This study was conducted to evaluate pronunciation changes in 4-6 years old children with Adenoid hypertrophy stage III, IV. The study was conducted on 36 children 4 to 6 years old who underwent adenoidectomy at the Vietnam National Children's hospital from August 2020 to the end of August 2021. The results showed that 61.1% were males and 38.9% were female; children aged 4 to 6 years old accounted for 11.1%, 47.6% and 41.3%, respectively. The main reason for adenoidectomy was snoring at38.9%, recurrent otitis media 27.8%, closed nasal voice 19.3%, and sleep apnea 13.9%. On physical examination, the patient did not have acute nasopharyngitis. The percentage of adenoid hypertrophy stage III, IV were 80.6% and 19.4%. Assessment of pronunciation before adenoidectomy: unable to pronounce /m/ 21.3%, /n/ 34.6%, /ng/ 59.6%, /nh/ 61.2%; 2 weeks after adenoidectomy: unable to pronounce sounds /m/ 5.6%,/n/ 8.3%, /ng/11.1%, /nh/ 8.3%.Assessment of sound quality through analysis of neutral tones is the vowel /a/. Tones before adenoidectomy were Shimmer 3,6%, Jitter 1.6%, HNR 21.005 dB, respectively; F0 135 ± 1.7Hz. After adenoidectomy, Shimmer 3.0%, Jitter 0.9%, HNR 17.943 dB; F0 119 ± 1.2 Hz. There was a significant improvement in Jitter and HNR, suggesting the effectiveness in improving the voice of children with adenoid hypertrophy grade III-IV after adenoidectomy.

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