Trương Thị Thùy Dương1,, Trần Thị Hồng Vân2, Trần Thị Huyền Trang2, Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm2
1 hai Nguyen University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
2 Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objective: To assess the dietary intake of ethnic minority students at two ethnic boarding junior secondary schools in Yen Bai province in 2019. Subjects and research methods: The study was conducted on 535 ethnic minority students at 2 ethnic boarding junior secondary schools in Yen Bai province with descriptive method, cross-sectional design. Using a pre-designed survey questionnaire to collect information on demographics and frequency of food consumption. Using the food weight method to collect information about student portion sizes. Research results: Total dietary energy of students at two ethnic boarding junior secondary schools met the recommended needs. The energy provided by protein, lipid, and glucid was 13,9%, 21,4%, and glucid 64,7%, respectively, and provides enough compared to the recommended needs. However, the rate between the three energy-producing substances (13,9: 21,4: 64,7) was not balanced compared to the needs recommended by the Institute of Nutrition in 2016 (14: 20: 66). Non-energy-producing substances and fiber mostly provided less than the recommended needs. The rate of calcium/phosphorus was not reasonable. Only zinc, vitamins B1, B3 met the body's needs. Conclusion: The dietary intake of students at two ethnic minority boarding schools in lower secondary schools provided a relatively adequate supply of energy-producing nutrients. However, the nutrients that do not produce energy was still not balanced and reasonable.

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