Trường Thanh Hưng Lưu, Vinh Quốc Nguyễn

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Objectives: study was at evaluating the acute toxicity of Tao huyet hoan plus on white mice and its recovery of hematopoietic organs of Tao huyet hoan plus on irradiated white mice. Methods: acute toxicity of Tao huyet hoan plus was condutced according to Litchfield – Wilcoxon method; research on the recovery of hematopoietic organs through changes in peripheral blood formulas of Tao huyet hoan plus on white mice irradiated once with a dose of 7Gy. Results: Tao huyet hoan plus caused no acute toxicity and the lethal dose 50% (LD50) was undetermined; the mice body weight, the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin concentration, white blood cells, peripheral blood plateles after irradiated groups of mice received oral Tao huyet hoan plus did not different from the control group without irradiation. Conclusion: Tao huyet hoan plus has not been determined the LD50 in white mice by oral and it demonstrated the effect of protecting the bodies of experimental white mice against the adverse effects of radiation.

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