Hồng Chương Nguyễn , Minh Chín Huỳnh, Nguyễn Đăng Khoa Lê , Anh Phi Huỳnh, Tường Quang Nguyễn

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Background: Treatment of drug addiction with alternative medicine plays an important role in preventing and fighting HIV/AIDS, reducing the need for drug use and drug-related law violations, and restoring ability. labor and community reintegration for addicts. Methadone is a synthetic opioid, with pharmacological effects similar to other opioids (agonists). Methadone maintenance treatment is implemented with the greatest goal of maintaining the patient's treatment time in the program for as long as possible combined with counseling to increase treatment compliance. Objective: Determine the methadone treatment retention rate and learn some related factors in treated patients, Binh Duong province in 2023. Research method: Using descriptive cross-sectional research design. This study was conducted on 374 patients at methadone treatment facilities in Binh Duong province with a single random sampling method. Results: Our study was conducted on 374 patients treated with methadone, the treatment retention rate after 12 months was 88.0%. Factors statistically significantly associated with discontinuing treatment include: having concomitant HIV disease, being treated for tuberculosis, low drug dosage, and compliance with methadone treatment. Conclusion: The results show that treatment dose can affect patient treatment retention. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the patient's maintenance dose as long as possible, only reducing the dose when necessary. Regularly train to improve counseling and health education skills of employees, especially counselors. Close coordination between departments to manage, monitor and improve the effectiveness of treatment programs.

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