Trường Thanh Hưng Lưu, Trường Thanh Hưng Lưu, Vinh Quốc Nguyễn

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Objectives: study was at evaluating the the immunostimulatory activity of  Tao huyet hoan plus on white mice immunosuppressed by gamma ray irradiation. Methods: mice were divided randomly into 4 groups: the biological control group (rats not irradiation, drank distilled water), the negative control group (rats irradiated whole-body, drank distilled water) and the experimental groups (rats irradiated whole-body, taked Tao huyet hoan plus at the dose of 4.08g/kgday and at the dose of 8.16g/kg/day). The indexes consisted of rats body weight, relative spleen and thymus weight, number of endogenous spleen cell colonies and number of bone marrow cells. Results: Tao huyet hoan plus ematopoiesis plus has the effect of protecting the immune system of experimental mice against the adverse effects of radiation: relative spleen and thymus weight, number of ESC and number of the bone marrow cells of mice in groups that received Tao huyet hoan plus were significantly higher than in the negative control group. Conclusion: Tao huyet hoan plus had an immunostimulating effect  on white mice immunosuppressed by gamma ray irradiation.

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