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Introduction: Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world after cardiovascular disease and is the leading cause of serious disability. To help improve quality and increase patients’ recovery, this study is to survey the quality of stroke treatment at the clinical level at Trung Vuong Hospital from June to August, 2023. Methods: Designing a descriptive cross-sectional research. Conducting a survey of 151 patients through retrospective medical records combined with observation and recording according to a pre-prepared survey form. Assessing the quality of stroke treatment through 10 clinical-level standards in the quality standards of stroke treatment in Vietnam according to Decision No. 86/QD-KCB dated July 15, 2014 of the Ministry of Health. Results: The proportion of patients who met all 10 clinical standards for stroke treatment was 72.2%, while 27.8% did not meet the standards. Standards 1, 3 and 7 all achieved 100%, standard 2 achieved 99.3%, standards 4, 9, 10 achieved 98.7%, standards 3, 8, 9 achieved 98.0%. Standard 5 has the lowest passed rate with 74.2%. Conclusions: The hospital needs to improve privacy and hygiene standards, particularly by ensuring that patient beds are equipped with adequate curtains and essential sanitary conditions and needs to supplement the number of nursing staff in order to provide good care for stroke patients.
Article Details
quality, stroke treatment, Trung Vuong hospital.
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