Ý Thanh Lư , Thị Ngọc Bích Cao, Phan Quỳnh Phương Bùi, Thị Mỹ Linh Nguyễn , Tú Trinh Trần, Minh Luân Nguyễn , Trần Ngọc Thanh Đặng , Anh Duy Nguyễn , Tấn Tải Cao, Thị Thu Thủy Nguyễn , Thị Kiều Chinh Châu, Hữu Nhân Nguyễn , Thị Kiều Tran Nguyễn , Thị Cẩm Duyên Phạm , Thị Ngọc Lan Nguyễn , Ngọc Phương Thư Nguyễn

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Introduction: It is important for healthcare workers to take blood pressure accurately. Therefore, medical students should be taught fluently to measure blood pressure during the period of medical school using the auscultatory method with a manual sphygmomanometer. Currently, to our knowledge, there have not been any published studies related to blood pressure measurement skills of students at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine (PNTU). The study "Survey of practical skill in blood pressure measurement in the 3rd year medical students at the PNTU " aims to provide initial information about students' accurate blood pressure measurement skills. This study is considered as a basis for solutions to improve this skill, contributing to improve treatment quality and increasing patient safety. Method: Cross-sectional study of the 3rd year medical students (school year 2023-2024) at PNTU. The sample size was 296, convenience sampling. Students' blood pressure measurement skills are assessed using a checklist, performed on standardized patients in OSCE’s rooms at CECICS. Allowed time: 10 minutes. Checklist are based on the blood pressure measurement process according to the Guidelines of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam (Decision No. 3192/QD-BYT dated August 31, 2010 of the Minister of Health). Dual-ended stethoscopes are used for both instructors and students to ensure the accuracy of measurement results. Data were processed and analyzed using SPSS 22.0 statistical software. 95% confidence interval with statistically significant difference when p < 0.05. Result: A total of 296 medical students participated in the study with an average age of 21.75 ± 2.1 years, ranging from 21 to 29 years old. With the passing score determined by the Angoff method (≥ 6 marks), the rate of passing and failing students in this OSCE station is 74% and 26%, respectively. However, the rate of medical students performing all steps of the checklist correctly ranges widely (from 7.1% to 88.5%). Conclusion: Medical students do not attain mastery of the skills required to measure BP accurately. Therefore, students should practice this skill more often and faculty should change the assessment method of this skill to increase the patient safety.

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