Nguyễn Mạnh Cường1,2,, Lê Thị Thu Hà2,3, Đào Thị Dung4
1 Danang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy
2 108 Institute Of Clinical Medical And Pharmaceutical Sciences
3 108 Military Central Hospital
4 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

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Fluoride varnish has been proved to be a preventive tool and local treatment method for dental caries with many advantages; the use of fluoride varnish has been recommended for children, especially small children. Fluoride varnish has been used world wide including Viet Nam. The study was conducted on 60 permanent teeth, teeth 4 - 5 (first and second permanent premolars) were extracted for orthodontic treatment, the age of the patients was extracted from 18-25 with the objectives: to describe the process of mineralization of fluoride in fluoride varnish into the permenant teeth enamel. This is an in vitro study which is the experiment study being done in the laboratory.  After being extracted, the permenant teeth were soaked in artificial saliva, cleaned until plaque-free and demineralized with 37% phosphoric acid for  15 seconds. The teeth were then devided into two group: in the first group, the teeth were applied with 5 % fluoride varnish for  4 minutes, in the second group, the teeth were brushed with Colgate Kids toothpaste for children. All the teeth were sectioned to make samples then were examined  under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results showed the process of demineralization using 37% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds caused early carious lesions grade D1 that is equal to carios lesions code 1 in ICDA system. From the study result, we recommended that the use of fluoride varnish is a good choice in prevention and treatment of  early caries of permenant teeth in children.

Article Details


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