Thị Yến Đinh, Thị Thủy Nguyễn

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Objective: Change awareness of stroke among the elderly in Giao Lac commune - Giao Thuy - Nam Dinh after health education intervention. Research subjects and methods: Elderly people in Giao Lac commune - Giao Thuy - Nam Dinh, sample size is 176. Results: Before intervention, 51.7% of study participants correctly perceived that Brain damage caused by stroke after intervention is 83.3%. The average number of study subjects who answered correctly the warning signs of stroke increased after intervention by 4.33 ± 1.21 while before intervention it was 2.66 ± 1.94. Before intervention, 55.6% of study subjects knew three or more risk factors for stroke, this rate increased after intervention to 94.4%. Conclusion: Elderly people have 94.4% awareness of stroke warning signs after intervention. Elderly people's awareness of stroke risk factors has increased to over 90%.

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Anne HickeyEmail author và các cộng sự. (2009), "Stroke awareness in the general population: knowledge of stroke risk factors and warning signs in older adults", BMC Geriatric.
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