Huy Ngọc Nguyễn, Quang Ân Nguyễn

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Background: mirror therapy method is effective in restoring upper limb motor function, is low cost, and easy to perform. Objective: evaluate the results of combining mirror therapy in restoring hand function in patients with hemiplegia in the recovery stage due to cerebral infarction. Method: controlled intervention study of 60 patients divided into 2 groups, the intervention group was combined with mirror therapy in hand rehabilitation at the Neuro-Stroke Rehabilitation Unit, General Hospital. Faculty of Phu Tho province during the period from January 2021 to September 2021. Results: after 1 month of intervention combined with mirror therapy, the level of movement of the paralyzed hand increased; The level of dexterity in the paralyzed hand increases; The level of independence in daily activities increased compared to the control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: combining mirror therapy in hand rehabilitation in patients with hemiplegia in the recovery stage due to cerebral infarction brings good results.

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