Tất Thắng Nguyễn, Thái Quỳnh Chi Nguyễn, Thị Dung Phan

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Objective: Describe the results of health education activities at Viet Duc University Hospital in 2023 and identify some factors that may affect the results of these activities. Research method: Cross-sectional research design, combining quantitative and qualitative research. Results: All health education activities at the hospital were being carried out on schedule compared to the plan set for 2023. Regarding coverage: 99.6% of patients received personal consultation upon hospital admission and before discharge, 100% of patients received personal counselling during their hospital stay. 52% of patients have ever participated in at least one group communication activity. The proportions of patients approached by each type of indirect communication materials were wall posters (83.9%), videos, digital images broadcast on TV, LED screens in hospitals (64.3%), videos, digital images posted on hospital social media pages (59.1%), and handouts (52%). Overall, 84.1% patients satisfied with health education activities at the hospital. Some barriers to health education activities in this hospital included a lack of specialized human resources with proper training in communication at clinical departments, some equipment of poor quality, lack of communication materials, limited funding, and lack of official documents regulating work related to health education activities at the hospital. Conclusion and recommendations: In general, health education activities at Viet Duc University Hospital in 2023 have achieved certain results and received positive feedback from the majority of inpatients. The hospital needs to make timely improvements to improve the quality of health education activities in the future.

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