Ngọc Quế Trần, Xuân Thuỷ Trịnh

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Objectives: To survey the characteristics of blood donors at 05 fixed blood donation sites of the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion from June 2019 - November 2022. Method: Cross-sectional descriptive study with analysis, using interviews with an online Google survey questionaire sent via email. Results: The results of whole blood collection at fixed sites increased from 5,415 units in 2019 to 23,111 units in 2022, the rate of blood donation of 350ml volume reaches over 70%. Research participants were mainly female (53%) and the male (47%). The majority of blood donors were between the ages of 25-49 (43%), the highest proportion of blood donors were students (21%), and the self-employed group (12.4%). Communication channels via social networks and newspapers were the most popular communication channels (49%). Most blood donors choose in-kind gift packages (58.7%). Conclusion: Blood donation results at fixed blood donation points tended to increase gradually over 5 years of establishment with a high rate of blood donation volume of 350ml. Blood donors aged 25-49 years old participate in blood donation in large numbers, along with students. Blood donation propaganda channels through social networks and newspapers are the most effective distribution channels and reach the most blood donors.

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