Thái Tôn Đặng, Thị Ngọc Anh Đặng, Ngọc Tráng Nguyễn, Đăng Lưu Vũ, Thế Điệp Nguyễn, Thị Phương Thảo Bùi, Minh Hải Vũ

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Objectives: To evaluate the value of 1.5-tesla magnetic resonance imaging in assessment of ligamentous and meniscal injuries  in comparison with diagnosis in knee arthroscopy. Subjects: 98 patients with knee injuries were examined and had MRI scans to determine intra-articular knee injuries and underwent knee arthroscopy at Duc Giang General Hospital. Time period of the study was from January 2018 to January 2020. Research indicators: gender, age, injury location, time from injuries happened to when MRI scans were taken, ligamentous and meniscal injuries on MRI and in knee arthroscopy: Anterior cruciate ligaments, posterior cruciate ligaments, collateral ligaments.  Results: From 98 patients, there were indicators: Age ranging from 15 - 63 years old. Under 20 years old accounted for 6.1%, from 20 to 40 was 73.5%, over 40 was 20.4%. Time from injuries happened to when MRI scans were taken: Under 2 weeks accounted for 29.6%, from 2 weeks to 3 months formed 39.8%, over 3 months constituted 30.6%. Locations of injuries: right knee joints accounted for 52%, 48% with left knee joint injuries, no case with both knee joints injured.  The most common injury on MRI we encountered was ACL tear with a rate of 94.9% meanwhile the PCL tear was less common with a rate of 5.1%.  Both cruciate ligaments torn accounted for 3%. Medial and lateral meniscus tears had rates of 45.9% and 25.5%, respectively. Anterior displacement of the tibia accounted for a relatively high rate of 42.9%. The rate of bone marrow edema in the tibial plateau was 35.7% and the rate of bone marrow edema in the femoral condyles was 23,5%. The posterior horn of the lateral meniscus was pushed back in 2% of cases.  Medial collateral ligament injuries formed 2% and laterall collateral ligament injuries accounted for 1%.  Diagnostic value of ACL injuries on MRI compared to knee arthroscopy: Sensitivity was 98.9%, specificity was 100%, positive predictive value was 100%, negative predictive value was 80%.  Diagnostic value of ACL injuries on MRI compared to knee arthroscopy: Sensitivity was 100% (4/4), specificity was 98.9%, positive predictive value was 80%, negative predictive value was 100% (93/93). Diagnostic value of medial meniscus injuries on MRI compared to knee arthroscopy: Sensitivity was 100%, specificity was 88.3%, positive predictive value was 84.4%, negative predictive value was 100%.  Diagnostic value of lateral meniscus injuries on MRI compared to knee arthroscopy: Sensitivity was 73.5%, specificity was 100%. Positive predictive value was 100%, negative predictive value was 87.6%. Conclusions: In comparison to the definitive diagnosis in knee arthroscopy, the assessment of ligamentous and meniscal injury grades on MRI has high accuracy. Therefore, MRI is a method that plays a particularly important role in diagnosing and evaluating the nature and extent of traumatic knee joint injuries.

Article Details


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