Trọng Hiếu Nguyễn, Nguyễn Anh Minh Lê, Tuấn Anh Trần

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Cross-sectional study of 300 subjects in Quang Trung secondary schools and Chan Mai Ninh ssecondary schools from 12 to 15 years old (75 students of each age) in Thanh Hoa city to describe the current situation of orthodontic treatment needs based on the aesthetic of students. We compared the students' dentition photos with ten standard tooth images of Evans and Shaw in 1987 and found the highest rate of class I malocclusion is in the 13-year-old group, accounting for 58.7%. The highest rate of class II malocclusion is in the 12-year-old student group, accounting for 30.7%. Class I occlusion orthodontic treatment needs mainly at level 3-4, accounting for 52.6%. Class III occlusion with orthodontic treatment needs is mainly level 3-4, accounting for 43.9%, followed by level 8-10 (29.3%) and level 5-7 (17.1%). The reseach show that the majority of cases have class I occlusion. The majority of 12 to 15-year-old students from two secondary schools in Thanh Hoa City have a need for aesthetic orthodontic treatment, of which the level of treatment needed is average and severity is more concentrated in females than in males and in the group of students with class II and III occlusal malocclusion.

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