Trường Sinh Cao, Thị Hải Yến Nguyễn

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Aim: Determine the rate of hypertension, the proportion of hypertensive people taking medication, the proportion of people taking antihypertensive medication to achieve the target and the proportion of people who were measured the blood pressure in the last 12 months. Subjects and methods: People aged 18 years and older, including both sexes, including people being treated for blood pressure. The total number of people screened is: 12303 people. All people were allowed to rest before measuring for at least 5 minutes, then they were measured  the blood pressure in a sitting position, measured 3 times with interval 1 minute and averaged. The measuring room is airy and has an ambient temperature of 300 C. The person doing the measuring is a final-year student and the nurses are thoroughly trained in how to measure and record data. Results: The overall prevalence of hypertension in the study population was 31.4%. The rate of grade I hypertension accounts for 82.1%. The rate of isolated systolic hypertension is 43.7%. The rate of people with treated hypertension is 40.8%. Percentage of people with the target blood pressure over the total number of hypertensive people is 29.7%. Percentage of hypertensive people taking medication with the target blood pressure is 72.9%. The proportion of people who were not  measured the blood pressure in the last 12 months is up to 60.4%. Conclusion: nearly 1/3 of the population aged 18 years and older has hypertension. The proportion of people using medication to treat hypertension is low (40.8%). The rate of achieving target blood pressure among people with hypertension is still low.

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