Thái Linh Nguyễn, Thị Hoàng Yến Trần, Ngô Lê Minh Anh Nguyễn

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Introduction: Exam anxiety, a type of situational anxiety, is characterized by somatic, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms that occur before or during an exam. Exam anxiety is common among medical students. In Traditional Medicine, anxiety belongs to “Yu Zheng”, treatment of “Yu Zheng” in Traditional Medicine is increasingly proven to be effective. However, for a good treatment, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. Characteristics of tongue diagnosis is an important diagnostic method in Traditional Medicine. Objects: characteristics of tongue diagnosis on students with exam anxiety disorders in traditional medicine University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Collecting 330 tongue samples from students majoring in Traditional Medicine at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City with symptoms of Anxiety Disorder according to the DASS-21 scale during the high exam period (February-April 2023), and then analyzing the characteristics of Tongue through an automated diagnostic image analysis system (ATDS). Results: The male: female ratio is 67% and 33%, respectively. Most had average BMI. The purple tongue (43.3%), pale pink tongue (27.6%), pale purple tongue (16.1%), pinkish tongue (9.7%), pale tongue (3.3%). Blood stasis appeared in 8.2% of the samples studied. White coating 31.5%, yellow coating 3%, and no subjects had yellow white moss and black gray moss. Thin tongue (55.8%); tooth-market tongue 10.9%; fissured tongue (60%); prickles tongue 26.7%. moist coating (69.1%), drying coating (47%), little water coating (17.7%); thick coating 19.1% thin coating 4.5%; no appearance of dirty, peeling coating. Conclusion: The main characteristics of the diagnosis are purple-tinged tongue, thin tongue, tongue fissures, white tongue moss, and laxity.

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