Quang Chưởng Khổng, Thị Ngọc Trâm Hoàng, Thị Luyến Lăng, Toàn Anh Ngô

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Currently, the rate of cesarean section is increasing, so the use of pain relief methods after cesarean section is essential. Quadratus lumborum (QLB) anesthesia can reduce pain during lower abdominal surgery and cesarean section. With the combination of intravenous analgesia (PCA) it may increase the effectiveness. Objective: Evaluate the results of pain relief after cesarean section using quadratus lumborum anesthesia combined with intravenous analgesia at Thai Nguyen National Hospital. Study subjects: Healthy pregnant women, first cesarean section, singleton pregnancy, spinal anesthesia during surgery and after surgery with pain relief using QLB method combined with PCA, horizontal incision above the sacroiliac joint. Research method: descriptive, cross-sectional, period from April 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023 at Thai Nguyen National Hospital. Results: In the group of pregnant women, 97.4% of post-operative pain relief was achieved within the first 6 hours. The time to start pain relief is less than 15 minutes, accounting for 76.9%. The level of pain relief after good assessment was 82.1%, successful pain relief in the first 6 hours was 98.7%, in the first 24 hours was 92.3%, unwanted effects were 7.7%. Conclusion: Success rate in the first 6 hours is 98.7%, in the first 24 hours is 92.3%. Unwanted effects 7.7.%

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