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Introduction: Determining the rate of pregnant women infected with HIV is one of the important factors for planning HIV prevention policies. This study determine the rate of HIV infection among pregnant women in An Giang province in 2010. Materials and Methods: Epidemiological investigation study with analysis. The subjects are all pregnant women who are from An Giang and reside in An Giang province, coming for prenatal check-ups and giving birth at all medical facilities in communes, districts, and the province of An Giang from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2010. Results: The rate of pregnant women infected with HIV in An Giang province is 0.29%, which is at an average level compared to the whole country. The occupation of pregnant women is related to HIV infection; compared to the occupation of Civil Servants, the occupation of Trading has a 18.7 times higher risk of HIV infection (RR = 18.7, p <0.01); the occupation of Laborer has a 13 times higher risk (p < 0.05); the occupation of Farmer has a 6.3 times higher risk (p < 0.05); the occupation of Housewife has a 4 times higher risk (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The rate of pregnant women infected with HIV in An Giang province in 2010 was 0.29%. The occupational factor of pregnant women shows a correlation with HIV infection.

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