Thị Hải Minh Phùng, Quảng Bắc Nguyễn, Toàn Anh Ngô

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Objective: To comment on the indications for C-section in 535 pregnant women at Vinh Phuc Provincial Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital in 2023. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study on 535 pregnant women indicated for C-section at Vinh Phuc Provincial Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital. Results: The average age of the subjects in the study was 28.9±5.7 years. The proportion of pregnant women who have never had a C-section accounts for the largest proportion at 46.7%. The proportion of women undergoing cesarean section for more than two indications is 84.3%, and cesarean section for only 1 indication is 15.7%. Indications for cesarean section were due to previous C-section accounting for 41.9%. The rate of cesarean section due to premature rupture of membranes is 62.0%, the lowest rate is cesarean section due to central placenta previa at 7.0%. Indications for cesarean section due to high blood pressure account for 76.7%. Conclusion: Obstetricians make indications for cesarean section based on many factors predicting the birth prognosis. The most common indication for cesarean section is still due to the uterus having an old cesarean section.

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