Văn Dũng Tăng, Minh Hiếu Trần, Tuấn Minh Nguyễn

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Study objectives: Consider surgery result of ovarian epithelial tumors at National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study included 309 patients with ovarian tumors diagnosed and treated at National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology from January 1 to  October 31, 2022. Postoperative pathology results were epithelial tumor. Result: Ovarian tumors are mainly treated by laparoscopic (85.43%). Most pregnancies with ovarian tumors were operated on after 12 weeks (7/9 cases) and 2 cases had emergency surgery before 12 weeks. Laparoscopic surgery was converted to open surgery (2.26%) because the tumor was too large, adherent or malignant. In the benign ovarian tumor group, cystectomy accounts for a large proportion in the reproductive age group (60.87%), and oophorectomy accounts for a large proportion in the postmenopausal group (63.64%). In the borderline ovarian tumor group, mainly total oophorectomy was performed (84.62%). In the ovarian cancer group, open surgery accounts for 58.83%, of which radical surgery is 52.94%. Conclusion: Ovarian epithelial tumors is one of the most commonly masks in women. Laparoscopic surgery is more and more widely used, bringing the benefits to the patients. Intraoperative decision depends largely on patient age and tumor qualities during surgery.

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