Ngọc Thắng Phạm, Anh Dũng Vũ, Tiến Thành Nguyễn, Nhất Định Vũ

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Objectives: the study evaluated the clinical, radiographic characteristics and the results of “Scarf” surgery to treat hallux valgus. Materials and methods: This was designed a prospective clinical study. These cases were operated on between 2010 – 2019 at military hospital 103. We recorded the general characteristics of patients, radiographical findings and treatment. Results: there were 15 women and 1 man, 30 – 55 years old, most had both feet, but only 2 cases had surgery on both feet. There was 1 case of broken bone and 2 cases of infection. Long term results (4 – 13 years): the hallux valgus angle decreased to 2° - 10°, AOFAS score improved (7 – 100 points), VAS score improved (0 – 3 points), there were no cases that required reintervention or recurrence. Conclusion: “Scarf”surgery basically corrects the deformity of hallux valgus and improves the function of the foot.

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