Trường Thịnh Vũ 1,2,, Văn Hùng Nguyễn 2, Văn Minh Đỗ 2
1 Vietduc University Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Introduction: Study on evaluating the results of total knee arthroplasty surgery at Hanoi Medical University Hospital. Subjects and methodology: A retrospective and non-controlled cross-sectional descriptive study on 40 patients with 41 knee arthroplasty using cemented joints without patellar cartilage replacement and without condyle cutting at Hanoi Medical University Hospital from 2019 to 2022. Result: The majority of patients were aged from 60 to 69 years old (57,5%), in which women accounted for a higher proportion (77,5%); The group of overweight and obese patients accounts for a higher proportion (57.5%); There is no difference between the side of the knee joint replaced when the left and right replacement rates are equal. Good pain relief results for patients reached 65.9%, recovery with good ability to walk reached 92.5%. Conclusion: Severe stage knee osteoarthritis causes pain and limits the patient's mobility and life. Cemented knee replacement without cutting the condyle provides effective pain relief and early and good recovery of walking function for the patient, thereby improving the patient's personal life..

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