Văn Linh Huỳnh 1,, Thi Kim Hiền Nguyễn 1, Trần Khiêm Đặng 1, Ngọc Huấn Nguyễn 1, Phùng Dũng Tiến Trần 1
1 Tra Vinh University

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Background: Umbilical hernia is a common disease, especially in special subjects such as cirrhosis and ascites. Object: Evaluate the clinical, subclinical of umbilical hernia in patients with cirrhosis and ascites. Subjects – Methods: Retrospective study, case series report of 43 cases of surgical treatment of umbilical hernia in patients with cirrhosis ascites from January 2018 to December 2022 at Cho Ray Hospital. Results: The sex distribution male: female is 4:1. The mean age is 56,9 ± 10,7 years old (27 - 79 years old). BMI is classified into four groups: underweight 9/43 cases (9,3%), normal 22/43 cases (51,2%), overweight 8/43 cases (18,6%) and obese 9 /43 cases (20,9%). 100% of patients admit to the hospital have a bulge in the umbilicus.  Hernia incarceration and painful pressing hernia mass are 51,2% and 55.8%. There are  8/43 cases (18,6%) that have complications of rupture of the hernia. The average size of the hernia mass is 6,4 ± 5,1 cm (2 – 30 cm). Patients are diagnosed mainly based on clinical examination. Cases are difficult to diagnose required the support of imaging diagnosis, in which cases with complications around the umbilicus and signs of suspetected intestinal obstruction tend to be diagnosed by CT Scan. Abdominal CT Scan is indicated in 31/43 cases (72,1%). The majority of patients are referred for emergency surgery in 37/43 cases (86%).  Conclusions: Typical clinical symptoms are diagnosed mainly based on clinical symptoms, imaging techniques are used in complicated cases requiring further assessment of the composition and condition inside the hernia sac. Cases of suspected complications should have an abdominal CT Scan to investigate the hernia status for appropriate treatment.

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