Thị Ngọc Linh Nguyễn1, Thị Thu Hằng Lê 1, Thị Hường Ngô 1, Việt Trinh Trần 1, Thị Thùy Nguyễn 1, Thảo Tố Phạm 1, Thị Huyền Trang Nguyễn 1, Thanh Bình Mai 1,
1 108 Central Military Hospital

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Objective: Hepatic abscess is an acute localized inflammation of the liver, and percutaneous drainage is required in 50-60% of cases. Our study evaluates the role of nursing in performing this intervention. Subject and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on 121 patients with hepatic abscesses undergoing percutaneous drainage at Military Hospital 108 from 1/2018 to 8/2023. Based on medical records, we assessed nursing activities before, during, and after the intervention, focusing on the procedure's success and safety. Results: 59.5% of patients underwent one-time drainage, with an average fluid volume of 69.5 ml. The procedure was safe, with 21.5% experiencing pain at the needle puncture site and no severe complications. Nursing care and health education activities yielded positive results in many aspects, including complication monitoring and timely management (95.0%); medication dispensing and adherence (91.8%); dietary, lifestyle, and rest guidance (91.7%); and proper patient medication education (98.3%). However, some aspects, such as changing bed linens and assisting with personal hygiene (83.4%), counseling for patient understanding of their condition, psychological care, and reassurance (85.7%), showed limited results. Conclusion: Nursing activities improve the effectiveness and safety of hepatic abscess drainage. Therefore, regular training and quality improvement in nursing practices are needed to enhance treatment outcomes further.

Article Details


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