Bá Phú Lê, Khánh Nga Trần, Hữu Thúy Nga Phan, Thị Kim Thi Phan

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Background: Estimating fetal weight (EFW) is important during pregnancy to predict labor. Objective: To investigate some factors affecting the accuracy of ultrasound in estimating fetal weight; research and apply methods to estimate fetal weight through clinical and ultrasound. Materials and methods: An analytical cross-sectional study includes 250 pregnants from 37 weeks to 42 weeks giving birth at Can Tho Central General Hospital. Results: 85,2% of cases were in accurate estimation group. In there, abnormal fetal weight, abnormal amniotic fluid and malpresentation were the factors affecting the accuracy of the ultrasound in fetal weight estimation. The correlation betwween clinical and the weight of a full-term pregnancy: symphysio-fundal height (SFH) y = 92,348xSFH + 243,466 with r = 0,455; abdominal girth (AG) y = 26,715xAG + 522,488 with r = 0,452 (p < 0,05). The correlation between ultrasound and the weight of a full-term pregnancy The method used to estimate the weight of fetal by doing ultrasound: Biparietal diameter (BPD) y = 58,252xBPD – 2212,401 with r = 0,566; head circumference (HC) y = 14,107xHC – 1491,33 with r = 0,509, femur length (FL) y = 69,464xFL – 1606,411 with r = 0,53, abdominal circumference (AC) y = 15,867xAC – 2195,855 with r = 0,746 (p < 0,05). After analysing multivariate linear regression, the best equation according to the most accurate and simple criteria: y = 13,634xAC + 41,869xFL – 4302,173 with r = 0,804 p < 0,05. Conclusion: abnormal fetal weight, abnormal amniotic fluid and malpresentation were the factors affecting the accuracy of the ultrasound in fetal weight estimation. There were a corelation between the clinical, ultrasound and estimating fetal weight of full-term births.

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