Thị Thương Phạm, Thị Đoá Nguyễn, Thị Mai Phạm, Thị Út Tâm Nguyễn, Thị Kim Cúc Trần, Thị Cẩm Vân Nguyễn

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Background: Non-communicable diseases are on the rise worldwide. There are many risk factors associated with non-communicable diseases, with improper nutrition and physical inactivity being the leading factors. This study was conducted to determine some nutritional anthropometric indicators and factors related to non-communicable diseases in people aged 25-64 years in 2 communes/wards, Thai Binh province. Methods: Cross-sectional research was conducted with a sample size of 400 adults aged 25-64 living in the study area. Results: The average height of men fluctuates around 164 cm and that of women is 159 cm. The rate of overweight and obesity among adults aged 25-64 is 39.7%. Factors related to non-communicable diseases are overweight (OR=2.31; 95%CI=1.47-3.63). Conclusion: The overweight rate among adults aged 25-64 is high. Overweight status is also a factor related to non-communicable diseases in the study.

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