Duy Trần, Thị Thảo Đỗ, Nguyên Quân Phạm

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Introduction: It indirectly places pressure on healthcare staff, decreases the quality of care, increases financial burdens, and results in dissatisfaction with dental treatments. Several studies have shown that low-frequency music reduces blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate in patients during endodontic treatments. However, the role of low-frequency music in psychological balance and pain reduction for patients undergoing lower wisdom tooth extractions has not yet been explored in Vietnam. Objectives: Describing the clinical, subclinical features and evaluating the Impact of Low-Frequency Music on Patient Satisfaction during Lower Wisdom Tooth Extraction. Materials and methods: We conducted a Split-mouth clinical intervention study on 105 patients with a mandibular wisdom tooth indicated for extraction who visited the Dental Clinic at Hoan My Van Phuc 2 Hospital in Binh Duong Province. Results: A total of 105 patients were included in the study, with an average age of 33,1 ± 10,14, predominantly female (59%%). Most patients experienced mild to moderate anxiety according to the Corah's Dental Anxiety Scale, with lower anxiety levels post-extraction compared to pre-extraction, and mean anxiety scores of 18,50 ± 6,50 vs 20,70 ± 5,84 (p=0,001). Pain levels measured using the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale and verbal pain assessments post-extraction were significantly lower than pre-extraction (2,42 ± 1,43 vs 2,90 ± 1,07, p=0,001) and (1,65 ± 1,23 vs 2,12 ± 1.24, p=0,001). Patients who listened to low-frequency music during the wisdom teeth extractions reported significant improvements in pain and anxiety levels compared to those who did not listen to music. Conclusion: The majority of patients undergoing mandibular wisdom teeth extractions experienced mild to moderate anxiety. Pain and anxiety levels were less reduced in the post-extraction compared to pre-extraction. Patients who listened to low-frequency music during their wisdom teeth extractions showed significant improvements in pain and anxiety levels compared to patients who did not listen to music.

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