Phạm Hồng Khánh1, Trần Thị Huyền Trang2, Nguyễn Quang Duật1, Vũ Văn Khiên2,
1 Military Hospital 103, Vietnam Military Medical University
2 108 Military Central Hospital

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Introduction: H. pylori infection has been confirmed to be the main cause of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and especially gastric cancer. Objectives: Research on the prevalence of H. pylori and cagA, vacA  in patients with chronic gastritis. Patients & methods: Diagnosis of chronic gastritis is based on endoscopy and histopathology. Diagnosis of H. pylori infection is based on culture, histopathology and CLO test. cagA and vacA were determined by PCR at the department of Molecular Biology - 108 Central. Results: 121 patients with chronic gastritis were included in the study, with the mean age: 45.2 ± 11.8 (18-78 years old), female/male = 1.16. The rate of H. pylori in patients with chronic gastritis was 77/121 (63.7%). The rate of cagA positive was 70/71 (98.6%), in which the rate of East- Asia-type cagA accounted for: 67/71 (94.4%). The rate of vacA s1 positive was 71/71 (100%). The vacAs1 m1, vacAs1 m2 and vacA i1 genes were detected in rates of 46.5%; 50.7% and 94.4%, respectively. Conclusion: The vacA,  cagA genes was higher in patients with chronic gastritis with Helicobacter pylori infection.

Article Details


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