Main Article Content
Objective: The study has objectives: Survey the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of patients with femoral neck fractures at 121 Military Hospital. Methods: Designed a descriptive retrospective study on 58 patients with femoral neck fractures diagnosed and treated with partial hip replacement at 121 Military Hospital from January 2023 to March 2024. Result: Clinical and paraclinical characteristics: Patients with femoral neck fractures on the left side accounted for 55.4% more than the right side, 44.6%; The average time from the patient's injury to surgery was 28.80 ± 53.05 days; Patients with femoral neck fractures all have symptoms of pain in the groin area at a rate of 92.3%, symptoms of loss of function at a rate of 87.7%, external feet at a rate of 61.5%, and short limbs at a rate of 49.2. %, late bruises account for 7.7% and combined injuries account for 3.1%; The proportion of patients with ASA 2 is 60.0%, ASA 1 accounts for 18.5%, ASA 3 accounts for 16.9%, ASA 4 accounts for 4.6%; Classifying fractures according to Garden, the proportion of patients with fractures according to Garden 4 accounts for 78.5% and the proportion of patients with fractures according to Garden 3 is 21.5%.
Article Details
: fracture, femoral neck, surgery, clinical, paraclinical.
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