Minh Nam Nguyễn, Thị Thùy Dịu Nguyễn, Thị Thu Hằng Đinh, Lan Anh Bùi, Katz Rodolfo, Tuấn Anh Đỗ, Sklan Ella, Văn Tổng Hoàng

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Objectives: The study aims to determine the relationship between the expression of lncRNA EPB41L4A-AS1 and IFI6lnc2 with some clinical and laboratory characteristics in patients with Dengue hemorrhagic fever. Methods: The levels of the two lncRNA were compared between groups of Dengue patients with different clinical and laboratory characteristics. Results: EPB41L4A-AS1 and IFI6lnc2 levels in the group of Dengue patients positive with anti-DENV-IgM, IgG, subcutaneous bleeding, and mucosal bleeding were higher than those without symptoms (p<0.05). In the group of patients with platelet <50G/L; from 50 to 100G/L; >100G/L: EPB41L4A-AS1 levels were 9.23±10.52; 5.98±8.57; 2.54±10.5 (105copies/ml), respectively; IFI6lnc2 levels were 6.96±6.11; 4.78±6.04; 1.22±3.54 (105copies/ml), respectively and the difference between compared groups was statistically significant (p<0.05). The lowest levels of the two lncRNAs were in the patients with liver enzyme GOT, GPT<80U/L; following by the patient group with GOT, GPT from 80 to 400U/L and were highest in the patient group with liver enzym >800U/L. Conclusion: LncRNA EPB41L4A-AS1 and IFI6lnc2 were associated with anti-DENV IgM and IgG antibody status, subcutaneous bleeding, mucosal bleeding; high GOT and GPT enzyme and low platelet count.

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