Tô Hồng Thư1, Võ Ngọc Yến Nhi1, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy1,
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Vaccine is the most important solution to prevent the rapidly spreading COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, many studies have assessed the acceptability of vaccination against COVID-19 among students in the world but none has been conducted in the context of Vietnam. This study aimed to build a scale to assess the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination among students. The research used qualitative methods (theoretical overview to build the initial scale and focus group discussions to build a preliminary scale) and quantitative methods (Cronbach-alpha test and EFA analysis) to calibrate the preliminary scale, thereby assessing the reliability and validation of the scale and completing the official one. The resulted COVID-19 vaccine acceptance scale was built including 5 psychological antecedents of vaccination: confidence, calculation, collective responsibility, complacency, constraints with 15 variables. The scale was reliable with Cronbach's alpha coefficients of all factors greater than 0.7 and the corrected item - total correlation coefficients were all greater than 0.3. EFA analysis gave satisfactory results of a good scale.

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