Nguyễn Văn Thắng1,, Nguyễn Thành Luân1, Đinh Việt Khôi1
1 Haiduong Medical Technical University

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Purpose: To describe imaging characteristics on KUB x-ray, abdominal CT and abdominal sonograph in pneumoperitoneum. Material and method: Descriptive cross-sectional study on 31 patients who admitted to Viet Duc hospital for acute pain in their abdomen and diagnosed pneumoperitoneum from November 2020 to May 2021. Result: A total of 31 patients included 23(74.2%) males and 8(25.8%) females: mean age is 53,77±21,9. Doudenal perforation was showed hightest (32.3%), stomach and intestinal perforation (25.8%). On KUB x-ray, free peritoneal effusion was showed 73.3%, subdiaphragmatic free gas was showed 23.3%. On abdominal computer tomography,  extra-gastrointestinal gas was showed 73.3%. On abdominal sonograph, peritoneal stripe sign was showed

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