Nguyên Hùng Đào, Văn Sơn Hoàng

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Objective: Evaluating the results of treatment for ruptured ectopic pregnancy with shock at Military Hospital 103 from 2020 - 2023. Subjects and methods: cross-sectional descriptive study on 100 patients diagnosed with rupture of ectopic pregnancy with shock treated at Military Hospital 103 from 2020 - 2023. Results: There were 25 patients treated by laparotomy (25%) and 75 patients treated by laparoscopy (75%). The mean surgery time of the laparotomy group was 52.02±8.38 minutes, of the laparoscopy group was 59.84±9.84 minutes. The mean intra-abdominal blood loss of the laparotomy group was 1986.16±377.96 ml and the laparoscopy group was 926.87±256.78 ml. 100% of patients undergoing laparotomy required blood transfusion, with laparoscopy 78.67%. The average amount of blood transfusion in the laparotomy group was 821.09±351.80 ml, and in the laparoscopy group was 294.52±285.01 ml. 4% of patients in the laparotomy group and 17,33% of patients in the laparoscopy group used prophylactic antibiotics, the mean antibiotic time of the laparotomy group was 4.27±1.23 days, 2.84±1.54 days of laparoscopy group. The average number of postoperative analgesic doses of the laparotomy group was 2.34±0.48 doses, and that of the laparoscopy group was 1.58±0.52 doses. The mean hospital stay of the laparotomy group was 4.48±1.14 days, and that of the laparoscopy group was 3.78±0.95 days. Conclusion: The rate of treatment of ruptured of ectopic pregnancy with shock by laparotomy is 25% and laparoscopy is 75%. The laparoscopy group had longer mean operative time, mean less intra-abdominal blood loss and mean blood transfusion, shorter mean days of antibiotic use, and fewer mean analgesic doses, and the mean hospital stay was shorter than the laparotomy group. This difference was statistically significant with p<0.05.

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