Thanh Bình Lương, Văn Trường Nguyễn, Việt Nam Nguyễn

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Objective: Evaluate the results of ulnar nerve repair in the forearm. Subjects and methods: Describe 41 patients with forearm injuries with ulnar nerve damage who underwent surgery at the Department of Upper Limb Trauma and Microsurgery - 108 Central Military Hospital from January 2020 to December 2023. Results: Of the 41 patients, there were 38 males and 03 females, the average age was 38 years old with the youngest being 13 years old and the oldest being 63 years old. The results of motor recovery at M5 were 03 patients (7.3%), M4 were 19 patients (46.3%), M3 were 13 patients (31.8%), M2 were 5 patients (12.2%), M1 was 1 patient (2.4%). The results of sensory recovery at S4 were 4 patients (14.6%), S3+ were 23 patients (56.1%), S3 was 8 patients (19.5%), S2+ was 4 patients (9.8%). Hand rehabilitation results were classified by the British Medical Research Council (BMRC)4 as very good in 3/41 patients (7.3%), good in 19/41 patients (46.3%), fair in 13/41 patients (31.8%), average in 5/41 patients (12.2%), and poor in 1/41 patients (2.4%). Conclusion: Microsurgical repair of severed ulnar nerve is a treatment method that provides good recovery of motor and sensory function.

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