Mạnh Bảo Nguyễn, Chiến Trần, Việt Nam Nguyễn

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Objective: To evaluate the results of primary flexor tendon repair of the hand at 108 Military Central Hospital and assess factors influencing the outcomes. Subjects and methods: This study conducted a retrospective and prospective descriptive analysis with a longitudinal follow-up of 63 patients with flexor tendon injuries who underwent tendon repair at 108 Military Central Hospital from January 2021 to March 2024. Outcomes were evaluated at least 3 months post-surgery using the Strickland criteria. Results: The study included 63 patients with 118 fingers having tendon injuries. Among these, 81% were male and 19% were female. The most frequently injured zone was Zone II, accounting for 51.7% of the fingers. All patients had primary wound closure, with no infections reported. One patient (1.6%) experienced tendon rupture after the initial surgery. Postoperative outcomes, assessed using the Strickland criteria, were as follows: 33.9% of fingers had excellent results, 40.7% had good results, 20.3% had fair results, and 5.1% had poor results. Negative factors affecting outcomes included injuries in Zones II and IV according to the Verdan classification, delays exceeding 12 hours between injury and surgery, accompanying fractures or dislocations, and the condition of the soft tissue wound. Conclusion: Early primary repair of flexor tendon injuries using a four-strand technique yields good results, ensuring a stable repair for early postoperative rehabilitation. Factors such as the injury zone, associated injuries, and the condition of the soft tissue wound significantly impact surgical outcomes

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