Quang Bình Nguyễn, Văn Luân Nguyễn, Đức Long Vũ, Doãn Tú Vũ

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The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of difficult endotracheal intubation using Fiberscope using conscious sedation in patients with maxillofacial abscesses with tight jaw. Prospective study of 76 patients, divided into 2 random groups: group 1 used conscious sedation with propofol combined with laryngeal anesthesia with lidocaine 2% and group 2 did not use sedation but only used laryngeal anesthesia with lidocaine 2%. The results showed that the characteristics of maxillofacial abscesses related to difficult endotracheal intubation in two groups (p > 0.05); The level of sedation according to BIS in group 1 (80 < BIS < 90) was lower (p = 0.001) than in group 2 (90 < BIS < 100); The level of very good endotracheal intubation according to Golf Berg group 1 (89.50%) was higher (p = 0.001) than group 2 (57.90%); Execution time for group 1 (31.34 ± 4.33 seconds) was faster (p = 0.001) than group 2 (42.89 ± 10.04 seconds); The number of times performed in group 1 was lower (p = 0.031) than in group 2. Thus, difficult endotracheal intubation using a flexible endoscope with conscious sedation is more effective, faster in time and safe in patients. Maxillofacial abscess with tight jaw.

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