Phan Văn Tân1,, Trần Thiết Sơn1, Phạm Thị Việt Dung1
1 Hanoi Medical University

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The purpose of this study is to describe thigh ‘s anthropometric characteristics and their effect on the ability to primarily close the donor site of anterior lateral thigh flap. The study included 38 patient, from 01/2017 to 07/2021 at Xanh Pon general hospital. The result exhibited a stricted relationship between BMI and the thick of flap following the fomular: “the thick of cutaneous layer = -0.6591 + 0. 1021*BMI (r=0.7679)” at male group and “the thick of cutaneous layer = - 0.5126 + 0.1129*BMI (r=0.8717)” at female group. 22 patients were primarily closed the donor site (group A), when 16 patients were closed the donor site by skin graft or local flap (group B). In group A, the mean width flap and flap width to thigh circumference ratio were 7.91 cm and 0.17, comparing to 11.2cm and 0.24 in group B. The cut-off value of flap width to thigh circumference ratio to directly close the donor site was less than 0.1886. We could estimate the ability of primary closure the donor site base on logistic regression formular. In conclusion, there are a strict relationship between BMI index and the thick of anterior lateral thigh flap. The ability to directly close the donor site can be estimated base on flap width to thigh circumference ratio and the thick of cutaneous layer.

Article Details


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