Quốc Phục Nguyễn, Phúc Vinh Đặng, Quế Thư Huỳnh, Trương Duy Tùng Nguyễn

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Background: Parasites are a disease with a high incidence in Vietnam. Symptoms are often less specific and progress silently, making diagnosis and treatment difficult. Objectives: To determine the incidence and distribution of parasites in Vinh Long province in 2023. Subjects and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey through data from the parasitic disease monitoring system in Vinh Long province. Collect complete samples from all public and private medical facilities that perform diagnostic tests for parasitic diseases. The metrics after collection were processed using SPSS 20.0 software to calculate the ratios. Variables used included age, gender, address, number of infectious parasites and testing units. Results: There were 1218 patients diagnosed with at least 01 type of parasite, average age 42 ± 17.5 years old. The age group 15-45 years had the highest prevalence 48.0%, over 45 years 44.7% and under 15 years 7.2%. Men account for 42.8%. Prevalence of Toxocara spp. 65.2%, Ascaris spp. and Schistosoma spp. had lower prevalence, accounting for 11.5% and 9.1%, respectively. Echinococcus spp. and Strongyloides spp. accounted for 5.5% and 5.2%, respectively. Monoinfection accounted for 71.3%, two types 21.6%, three types 4.9%, four types 1.7% and five types 0.4%. Conclusion: The rate of parasitic infections recorded at medical facilities in Vinh Long province is high, of which Toxocara spp. accounting for 65.2%, it is necessary to soon deploy zoning activities and control high-risk groups to reduce the rate of parasitic infections in humans.

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