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Objective: To evaluate the results Afatinib treatment in the stage IIIB-IV non-small cell lung cancer with Afatinib at Bach Mai Hospital. Patients and methods: 59 advanced and metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients with EGFR mutations were treated with afatinib at the Nuclear Medicine and Oncology Center, Bach Mai Hospital from January 2019 to April 2021. Results: 76.2% of patients achieved a complete response, 13.6% of patients stabilized; disease control rate reached 89.8%.The response rate for each type of lesion was as follows: Primary lung tumor (68.5%); contralateral lung metastases (65.3%); central nervous system metastasis (80%); adrenal metastases (66.7%); liver metastases (71.4%). The response rate in the group of patients with common EGFR mutations was 70.3% and in the rare group was 66.7%. The most common adverse effects were diarrhea (88.9%) and acne skin rash (87.1%) mainly in grade 1 and grade 2. No patient died from unwanted side effects. Conclusions: Patients with stage IIIB-IV non-small cell lung cancer with EGFR gene mutations treated with Afatinib have a high response rate and good tolerability.
Article Details
Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, EGFR, Afatinib
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