Nguyễn Thu Quỳnh1,, Nguyễn Duy Thư1, Nguyễn Khắc Tùng1, Bùi Thị Luyến1
1 Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objectives: To prepare Elsholtzia Ciliata herb in capsule form to standardize dosage and be convenient to use.  Materials and methods: The herb was extracted by the Soxhlet method, the extract was concentrated by the vacuum rotary evaporation method, and then dried at 40°C. The moisture, density, and smoothness of the powder were analyzed to select hard capsule formulations. Results: Elsholtzia Ciliata herb capsules were prepared with an equivalent dose of 2 capsules/time, 3 times a day. On the chromatogram, there were traces of the same Rf value and the same color as those on the chromatogram of reference medicinal herb. Elsholtzia Ciliata herb capsule contains 0.31% total phenolics and 0.105% total flavonoids. In addition, it meets the requirements of mass uniformity, disintegration, and moisture content according to the capsule standard of Vietnam Pharmacopoeia V.

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