Nguyễn Duy Ánh1,
1 Hanoi Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital

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Objectives: Our study investigates the prevalence of human papillomaviruses infection and other factors among women of reproductive age in Hanoi. Methods: This cross-sectional study selected 1176 married women of the age from 18 to 49 in Cau Giay and Dong Anh district of Hanoi. Each participant had an interview and a gynecological examination including HPV detection tests. Results: HPV was detected in 9,27 percent of participants (type 16 was found in 63,3%, type 18 was 22,9% and both types were 13,8%). Multiple regression model showed potential risk factors for HPV infections: living in suburban (OR 2,9), unqualified knowledge and practice of daily hygiene (OR 3,6), history of induced abortion (2,1), currently taking contraceptive drugs (OR 2,7). HPV infection rate was higher in group with cervical ectropion than group without cervical ectropion (38,5% vs. 25,3%, p<0,05). Conclusion: The prevalence of HPV infection among married women of reproductive age in Cau Giay and Dong Anh district of Hanoi is 9,27%. High-risk factors of HPV infection are living in suburban, having unqualified knowledge and practice of daily hygiene, having history of induced abortion, currently taking contraceptive pills and cervical ectropion.

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