Phạm Hữu Ánh1, Trần Minh Hậu2, Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Trang3,
1 Quynh Phu General Hospital, Thai Binh Province
2 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy
3 Phenikaa University

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Subjects: A total of 112 nurses at Quynh Phu District General Hospital, Thai Binh Province were surveyed. Objective: Evaluating the role of nurses in the parts of the marketing of the hospital. Research Method: The study was conducted according to the descriptive epidemiological method through a cross-sectional survey. Research results: More than 90% of the total 112 subjects in the study have engaged in activities that form the parts of hospital marketing activities. Nurses had a direct role in formulating prices and fees for hospital services from 76.8% to 87.5%. Besides that, participating in the development of medical-technical processes accounted for 74.1%. Up to 99.1% of nurses directly provided patient care, including ward and hospital cleaning services. Nurses played a role as a way to provide hospital services, accounting for 94.6% - 99.1%. From 75.9% to 99.1% of nurses played a direct role in the advertising, attracting, and advising... in hospital marketing activities. Conclusion: Nurses play a direct role in participating in most marketing activities of the hospital, thereby contributing to improving service quality, role, and reputation of the hospital, making a significant contribution to advertising and attracting patients.

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