Dương Minh Tâm1,2, Trần Nguyễn Ngọc1,2,
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 National Mental Health Institute, Bach Mai Hospital

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We carried out a study with the aim of finding out the status of treatment for schizoaffective disorder with depressive type in inpatients at the Institute of Mental Health - Bach Mai hospital. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study with 40 patients diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder according to ICD-10 diagnostic criteria (F25.1). The results showed that the average age of patients with schizoaffective disorder was 30.3±8.2 years, more common in women than in men, and the female/male ratio ≈ 1.4/1. Among the neuroleptics, risperidone was the most used (60.0%). Among antidepressants, sertraline was used the most (90.0%) with the highest mean dose 125 ± 52.8 mg/day. There were 5 patients treated with valproate (12.5%), the average highest dose was about 1100 ± 223.6 mg/day. Diazepam (a sedative) is also frequently used (87.5%). 100% of patients were treated with neuroleptics in combination with one or more other drugs. The majority of patients received inpatient treatment for 2-4 weeks (60.0%). The average number of treatment days was 20.6 ± 9.3 days, the shortest was 6 days and the longest was 46 days.

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